This is the return of the original Poetic Bloomings — the site established in 2011 by poets Marie Elena Good and Walter J. Wojtanik,  after their first participation in The Writer’s Digest’s Poetic Asides April Poem-A-Day (PAD) Challenge in 2009. Meant as a means to stay connected while continuing to hone our skills collectively, it has been a place where creativity grows and flourishes in a supportive and encouraging environment. Please join us each Sunday for our prompts and examples, as well as the occasional highlighting of various poetic forms.


1. HAVE FUN. The guidelines aren’t meant to be restrictive. They are just to try to keep everyone on the same page. As with any poetic blog, the key point is to write! It is all about the process of writing poetry. If it is poetic, we will celebrate it here!

2.  “SUNDAY SEED.”  Every Sunday, we (as in mostly Walt!) will post a new prompt to our home page.  You may post your poems at any time throughout the week(s) ahead.    We hope that you try to keep to the prompt. It makes it easier to categorize the subject matter. But we are about the process here. As long as you’re writing, we’re all better for it!

3. HOW TO POST. Poems may be posted in the COMMENTS section for each prompt. You may also post to your personal blog and leave a link to your poem in your COMMENT. Better yet, write your poem in the comments AND include the link to your site at the end (in case you include photographs or other modalities to enhance your words). We’d like to see what you’ve got brewing.

4. WHO MAY POST? Poetic Bloomings is open to all poets, regardless of skill level, point of view, or age. As such, we encourage members to “be mindful of this when posting.”  Our goal is to encourage and learn from one another. Hopefully we’ll all gain a fresh understanding of the creative process.

5. “WILD CARD.”  We will have the occasional “WILD CARD” prompt to allow you to let your muse loose.

6. POET INTERVIEWS. We enjoy occasionally featuring one of our Poetic Bloomings members, or other special guests in impromptu interviews.  This includes samples of their work, advice, photo, etc. We will occasionally update past interviews and celebrate new contributors to PB.  Interviewing is Marie Elena’s favorite “job” here in the garden!

7.  “INFORM POETS .”  Also on occasion, we will feature a poem form for your consideration and information. (More of a tutorial for some of the lesser known or invented forms).  We encourage you to try your hand at these forms, although you are not under any obligation to do so.

8. “DAISY CHAIN.”  Please provide a link to your blog for our “DAISY CHAIN.”  We are about promoting your work and this will serve as our continued “directory.” You retain the rights to all your poems — we just wish to help give you another venue for exposure.  Links may be e-mailed to us at

9.  SPOTLIGHTDo you have a brand new shiny book you just got published? Have you received an honor?  Won a contest?  We’d love to hear about it, and announce it to the universe!  Or, at least announce it to our Poetic Bloomings community. 😉  Please drop an e-mail about it, including any appropriate links (i.e., where to purchase your book, etc.).  We’ll do the rest.  Our e-mail is .

10. BLOG HOPPING. We encourage you to visit the blogs of other poets and contributors regularly. Leave constructive and supportive comments. We want to nurture the expression of these creative works. Common courtesy would be nice; that’s how we build this community!

11. QUESTIONS may be directed to our e-mail: .

12. HAVE FUN.  Did we already say that?  Then it must be important. 😉

Any updates will be highlighted under that banner. We at Bloomings are working to re-establish a community of poets working for a common goal: the propagation of all things poetic. Plant your seeds here, and allow them to bloom in our garden. We look forward to your contributions to the creative process!