Are we having fun yet? The third step in our poem building exercise is upon us. Today, we put some parts together. Choose one of your titles written in exercise #2. Now, starting with that title and nudge, write your poem. BUT…. you CANNOT use the original line that the title is based upon in your poem. You must fit one of your OTHER lines into your poem. Make it work. What we once deemed as disassociated, does have a link after all. You can write in a poetic form, or not. Have a rhyme scheme or not. Count your syllables or not. This one’s on you to find the beauty in your process.





It seemed that he spent his life,

looking for the one to complete him.

There’s plenty of fish in the sea they said,

so he would cast his line in the hope

of catching his prize. His eyes

were ever searching. Each time

he threw his heart out there,

it got trampled underfoot.

so, the search continues.


(c) Walter J Wojtanik – 2019



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  1. Darlene Franklin Avatar
    Darlene Franklin

    Great combo there, Walt! How absolutely natural!

    1. Darlene Franklin Avatar
      Darlene Franklin

      I came up with about 12-13 variations. I hope to write another one before the end of this prompt, and set aside the rest for whatever Walt has next!

      1. Darlene Franklin Avatar
        Darlene Franklin
        1. Darlene Franklin Avatar
          Darlene Franklin

          I live in a nursing home with primarily black staff who have become dear to me. I asked the opinion I trust – not about the quality of the poem, but it some would find it offensive – I could see her answer before she spoke. I said, “Perhaps?”
          “You could put it that way.” “Yes?” She nodded sharply. Oh, well, those who know me know my heart and for the rest, perhaps it will open dialogue. I trust your judgment.

          1. Poetic Bloomings Avatar
            Poetic Bloomings
        2. Poetic Bloomings Avatar
          Poetic Bloomings

          Sorry, Darlene. I was trying to edit on my phone and lost your last comment. It wasn’t refreshing correctly. I removed your initial poem per your concerns. Our works will not please everyone. I tend to write to please myself with hopes others will enjoy them.

  2. Rosemary Nissen-Wade Avatar
    Rosemary Nissen-Wade

    A very interesting process, Walt. I thought I was blocked at present. Apparently not, after all! Thank you. (My second-last line in this poem is the one previously written, but not for this title.)

    Wild Weather

    It’s wild as in mad –
    not bitter and blustery,
    not perilous, not extreme;
    just wrong for this time of year,
    this particular season.

    It’s a warm winter,
    bright sun high
    in rich blue sky: the soul
    feels like soaring.
    Yet you are going away.

    I want rain, I want storms.
    The time and the event
    both demand protest,
    both should engender a chill.
    Instead that sun is inanely smiling.

    Nevertheless, I am tossed
    as if in a brittle wind
    and water blinds my eyes.
    Oh, throw your arms around me again!
    (As if you would keep me from the cold.)

    1. Poetic Bloomings Avatar
      Poetic Bloomings

      Thanks for the comment and this contribution, Rosemary. I try a lot of different utilities when the words stagnate and they seem to help. Words never desert us. They just doze off now and then. Walt.

    2. purplepeninportland Avatar

      “I want rain, I want storms.
      The time and the event
      both demand protest,
      both should engender a chill.
      Instead that sun is inanely smiling.”

      Love this Rosemary!

  3. Daniel Paicopulos Avatar
    Daniel Paicopulos

    Trace Elements of Ego

    Making intentional changes,
    choosing conscious choices,
    I see how my life arranges,
    hearing those still, small voices.
    (Sometimes life throws me softballs,)
    as I notice how my life supports me,
    yet even when an obstacle calls,
    I stay open to the Good which I see,
    as I take what affirming action I can,
    knowing hope alone is not a good growth plan.

    1. Poetic Bloomings Avatar
      Poetic Bloomings

      Excellent take here, Daniel. We find how life can be “life supporting”. This is encouraging.

  4. Connie L Peters Avatar
    Connie L Peters

    Remind Me

    A long walk, a hike, snow-shoeing, climbing
    makes me feel alive. Someone one remind me
    that when I’m indoors with chores or rhyming
    I need some time outdoors to be happy.

    There are things I want, need or like to do.
    Most days my to-do list’s filled end to end.
    I aim to get things done all the way through.
    There’s so many projects and tasks to tend.

    While I’m inside a cool wind is blowing,
    the sun is shining, the mountain calling,
    bikes to be riding, boats to be rowing.
    All of these, my projects are forestalling.

    Someone remind me, in order to thrive,
    to drop what I’m doing and play outside.

    1. Poetic Bloomings Avatar
      Poetic Bloomings

      Great advice, Connie. We need to admonish ourselves and say, “GO OUTSIDE AND PLAY!” I too, am guilty of sequestering in lieu of seeing the inspired world.

    2. purplepeninportland Avatar

      I am blushing with guilt at those last two lines.

  5. Darlene Franklin Avatar
    Darlene Franklin

    Maine Lakes
    Maine boasts of three thousand miles of oceanfront
    But much of that is mobbed, especially in summer
    I’ll leave that to the tourists
    And instead spend my days at
    One of our three t housand lakes
    Where I can walk to work to each morning
    From my bed to my desk
    A sturdy pine table on the front porch
    I join the crowd around the lakeshore
    A raccoon family scurries by
    I’d met their parents last summer
    A moose cow noses through the woods
    Her calf has grown tall now at mid-summer
    Chickadees sing for joy
    Winter’s hardships a distant memory
    The scent of coffee as dark as the deep foliage
    And dew the flavor of the king’s pines
    Freshen my mind
    I open my laptop and get to work

    1. Earl Parsons Avatar
      Earl Parsons

      I enjoyed many Maine lakes while growing up in The County. I was baptized in Deering Lake in August of ’73, and the water was still cold. So many great Maine lake memories. Thanks for stirring the mind.

      1. Darlene Franklin Avatar
        Darlene Franklin

        I was baptized in Lake Maranacook myself! In August of 1964.
        My parents actually lived by the ocean but this was a fit for t his prompt and fits my memories of the lakes at camp and family trips.

    2. Poetic Bloomings Avatar
      Poetic Bloomings

      I had an uncle who lived in Kittery and we would alternate visits every other year. I remember some details, it live vicariously through such pieces. It brings it back to me.

      1. Darlene Franklin Avatar
        Darlene Franklin

        I’m loving this exercise, Walt.

    3. purplepeninportland Avatar

      Lovely poem, Darlene!

  6. purplepeninportland Avatar

    Summer Softens

    All around us,
    bright hues–
    little girls
    in hot pink
    t-shirts, opening
    buds of lavender,
    burgundy grapes popping
    with juices, mango
    smoothies sliding
    down your throat–all
    things that make finding
    the sweetness easy.

    1. Poetic Bloomings Avatar
      Poetic Bloomings

      A sweet vignette, Sara. You paint a colorful picture here. Nicely done.

      1. purplepeninportland Avatar

        Thanks, Walt!

  7. Earl Parsons Avatar
    Earl Parsons

    Well, wasn’t expecting that curve ball, Walt. But you know how to spice up a challenge.

    Life’s Song

    We slid unwittingly into this life
    with nothing but a birthday suit
    and a need to be loved and taken care of

    And there was music
    Sweet, sweet music
    Lullabies and nursery rhymes
    I can still remember them

    Then came our school days
    where we grew from our smallness
    into what we thought was invincibility

    And there was more music
    Louder and often with attitude
    Messages of life as we thought it should be
    Many word for word imprinted on our brains

    Ah, then came the days of love
    where nothing mattered but the
    happiness of the one whom we adored

    Love songs filled our ears and hearts
    As we replaced names with our own
    Of course there was that one special song
    That will forever and ever bring tears of joy

    Then life slaps us silly with work and
    family and the woes of responsibilities
    that we thought we could avoid altogether

    There the music changed
    Where did the good tunes go and
    What was that noise our kids were listening to
    Sure glad we still had our musical memories

    Suddenly the nest was empty
    and what we thought would be a blessing
    turned out at times to be filled with lonely memories

    Thank God we still had each other
    And grandchildren to sing to with all the
    Lullabies and nursery rhymes we remembered
    We passed on the music to a new generation

    Then the day came when we
    rocked on the front porch overlooking
    the emerald green morning mist that covered the lake

    Life’s song was coming to the end
    And what a wonderful song it has been
    Each familiar note brings a tear and a memory
    It was a song that only a loving God could write

    © 2019 Earl Parsons

    1. Poetic Bloomings Avatar
      Poetic Bloomings

      All part of my wicked plan for poetic domination, Earl! It does tend to get you thinking outside of the parallelogram. You did well with this leg of it!

    2. purplepeninportland Avatar

      Very well done, Earl!

  8. lswenski Avatar


    There is nothing more fragile than an ego.
    We drag it with us wherever we go.
    We think we’re the center of all things
    and wait for our dreams to find wings.
    But ever more often it seems
    reality doesn’t match with our dreams.
    The earth is not centered, it’s clear,
    on the fact that we are living here.
    Let go of all matters of self,
    and put your own needs on a shelf.
    Now try to recenter your life
    on what truly is causing us strife.
    It could be that by looking outside
    you will find what your ego would hide.
    There are others whose needs are unmet,
    By helping a new standard is set.
    The discovery may give you a clue
    that life is not just about you.
    The life that you lived all along
    turned out to be selfish and wrong.
    But every day gives us a chance
    to improve on our own song and dance.

    1. Poetic Bloomings Avatar
      Poetic Bloomings

      Much wisdom here, Linda. It flows nicely and the rhyme scheme works well here.

  9. Rosemary Nissen-Wade Avatar
    Rosemary Nissen-Wade

    Congratulations to all who came up with these fascinating pieces as a result of the exercise! It’s one to remember.

    Walt, I just wanted to let you know I got another poem out of all the left-over lines and titles! I saw that I could arrange them in rhyming couplets, leaving two titles over to combine as one for the resulting piece. It ALMOST makes sense, lol. (I think I could get away with calling it a contemporary ghazal.) So thanks again!

    Ageing: a Dialogue

    The walk to the gate became harder.
    If I eat this carrot, will it make me see you better?

    The lake was flat and glassy, and full of cloud.
    Autumn is so changeable, she said.

    I wanted to go slowly but you turned it into a race.
    The wind surrounds me in a startling embrace.

    After the song was sung, and the music tidied away …
    The ego is a fragile thing, they say.

    Going on from there – oh, if only.
    Star-crossed reflections, you and I.