We’ve been experiencing some power outages lately and the candles were put to good use. It is better to light one candle than to curse the darkness. Write your poem to a candle.

Walt’s Waxing Poetic


This is the day the Lord has made,
and in it, He has given a voice to our wondering,
and a choice to find happiness or wander
aimlessly and without much purpose.

But, this moment… this right now
is meant to be cherished and embraced
a happy place where love lives without
barriers. The scarier scenario places us

into spaces we think are beyond our scope.
But against all hope we know that we are given
all than we can handle… He gives us the
candle to light our way, today and everyday.

No moment is greater that the one we’re in.
It would be a sin to waste it on past indiscretions.
Through the intercession of Love we find our happiness.
Let us rejoice and be glad in it!

(c) Walter J Wojtanik – 2024

Marie’s Melting

Candle Scandal

Where there’s smoke, there’s fire.
Get my drift? Though it’s really
none of my beeswax.

They have a short fuse.
They think they’re enlightened. Sure.
We know they’re wicked.

© Marie Elena Good 2024

When my husband said candles are wicked, I knew I had to run with it.  😉

Published by


  1. Marie Elena Avatar
    Marie Elena

    So lovely and full of hope, Walt. Warm smiles to you across the lake. Hoping all is well now.

  2. Benjamin Thomas Avatar
    Benjamin Thomas


    The day is here.
    The Lord made it so.

    There is nowhere to hide
    the darkness.

    The day is here.
    And is likened to a candle.

    When it burns, it shines.
    It reproves.

    That all may see—
    and within it, move.

    Benjamin Thomas

    1. Damon Dean, SevenAcreSky Avatar
      Damon Dean, SevenAcreSky

      Love this light of life testimony, Ben!

      1. Benjamin Thomas Avatar
        Benjamin Thomas

        Thanks Damon!

    2. Marie Elena Avatar
      Marie Elena


  3. Benjamin Thomas Avatar
    Benjamin Thomas

    Walt, great prompt! Hope you get power soon. Enjoyed your poem.

    Marie’s Melting 😂😂 This made me laugh!!

    1. Marie Elena Avatar
      Marie Elena


  4. Benjamin Thomas Avatar
    Benjamin Thomas


    It is better to light
    one candle
    than many.

    That all who enter
    may bear witness
    even testify

    That real power
    is still here
    amidst the flame.

    Benjamin Thomas

    1. William Preston Avatar
      William Preston

      This little piece creates a big image.

    2. Marie Elena Avatar
      Marie Elena

      Reads like a proverb, and speaks as much wisdom!

    3. purplepeninportland Avatar

      A wise poem, Benjamin.

      1. Benjamin Thomas Avatar
        Benjamin Thomas

        Thanks Sarah.

  5. Benjamin Thomas Avatar
    Benjamin Thomas


    A small flame flickers about.
    Begirded by a dark ravenous night.

    It burns with reckless abandon,
    without shame, just to make all things right.

    Though the foes against it may be fierce,
    and all their stratagems are near complete.

    The dawn of sure victory is ever close,
    while she beams and is still drunk with heat.

    Benjamin Thomas

    1. William Preston Avatar
      William Preston

      Smiling here.

    2. Marie Elena Avatar
      Marie Elena

      Oh that final sentence!

    3. purplepeninportland Avatar

      Killer ending, Benjamin!

  6. Benjamin Thomas Avatar
    Benjamin Thomas


    Why curse the darkness?
    When you have a little

    Set it ablaze.
    See its worth.
    Watch it consume.

    All misbegotten truth.
    Goes up in smoke.
    Even without a fight.

    Benjamin Thomas

    1. William Preston Avatar
      William Preston

      Spot on.

    2. Marie Elena Avatar
      Marie Elena

      YES. Wonderful.

  7. Damon Dean, SevenAcreSky Avatar
    Damon Dean, SevenAcreSky

    Wonderful for me this morning, Walt. Thank you!

  8. Damon Dean, SevenAcreSky Avatar
    Damon Dean, SevenAcreSky

    Marie, your scandalous candle! Hahah!

    1. Marie Elena Avatar
      Marie Elena

      It was fun to write!

  9. Damon Dean, SevenAcreSky Avatar
    Damon Dean, SevenAcreSky

    Brief Light

    Is not the match
    the candle’s friend,
    tho briefly he may flare,
    but just a touch of flame to wick
    is from a heart of care?

    Is not the the breeze
    that flickers flame
    within a candle’s night
    a breath of hope within the dark
    that something, still, is right?

    Is not the pool
    of melted wax
    when candles have been spent
    a testament that shining light
    had made the dark relent?

    Make me a match
    oh Lord, to strike
    some hope in others’ darks.
    I may not be a lasting flame,
    but I can be the sparks.

    © Damon Dean, 2024

    1. William Preston Avatar
      William Preston

      Well struck!

    2. Mike Bayles Avatar
      Mike Bayles

      Very nice, Let us be a spark in someone’s life.

    3. Marie Elena Avatar
      Marie Elena

      Amen amen! And friend, you are. ❤

      1. Marie Elena Avatar
        Marie Elena

        I meant to also say how beautifully it is written. As always.

    4. purplepeninportland Avatar

      Excellent poem, Damon!

      1. Damon Dean, SevenAcreSky Avatar
        Damon Dean, SevenAcreSky

        Thank you, Sara!

  10. Daniel Paicopulos Avatar
    Daniel Paicopulos

    One Goal

    Craving freedom

    from painful emotions,

    but suffering exists.

    All Buddhists know this,

    at home, 

    across oceans,

    feeling helpless,


    doing nothing.

    Would it help if

    I alone

    did just one thing?

    So I write,

    stay mindful,

    light one candle,

    give my friends

    the love they deserve.

    I fall short, of course,

    but this is my path

    1. William Preston Avatar
      William Preston

      You tread it well.

    2. Marie Elena Avatar
      Marie Elena

      “Would it help if

      I alone

      did just one thing?

      So I write …”

      Friend, is this is all you did, the helpfulness would still spread far and wide. I love your path.

    3. purplepeninportland Avatar

      You are true to your path, Daniel.

  11. Daniel Paicopulos Avatar
    Daniel Paicopulos


    Not for me, the larger issues.

    I mean, I know 

    the snowcap is melting,

    but insomnia won’t help.

    All I can do is 

    turn off some lamps,

    light one little candle, 

    hope others do too, 

    that the sum of the candles 

    will light up the globe,

    maybe my life.

    1. William Preston Avatar
      William Preston

      Amen to that.

    2. Marie Elena Avatar
      Marie Elena

      Both of your poems this morning make my heart smile.

  12. William Preston Avatar
    William Preston

    Walt, the first and last lines of your piece remind me of a song I used to hear at St. Monica’s. Lovely piece; lovely sentiments.

  13. William Preston Avatar
    William Preston

    Doubling over in laughter here, Marie!

    1. Marie Elena Avatar
      Marie Elena

      Yay! 😀

  14. William Preston Avatar
    William Preston


    As night descends, the mesas’ shadows rear
    to meld their blackness with the winter sky
    on solstice eve, the nadir of the year.
    The sun’s forsaken Earth;

    the air and ground are cold; and all about
    is silent solitude, as meteors falling nigh
    describe the transience of time. Without
    a sun to nurture Earth,

    I sigh for want of light, and with the land
    I seek the turning season, aided by
    a paper bag, a candle and some sand,
    to bring the sun to Earth.

    1. Marie Elena Avatar
      Marie Elena

      Oh, Bill … big sigh, here. WONDERFUL poem. And thank you for teaching me a new word.

    2. purplepeninportland Avatar

      Wonderful, William! I like, ‘I sigh for want of light’

  15. William Preston Avatar
    William Preston


    Twice a year,
    at Yom Kippur and Rosh Hashanah,
    the candles gleamed
    in the house next door.

    Twice a year,
    it seemed that families still mattered
    as candles gleamed
    in the house next door.

    Twice a year,
    it seemed that a god might be real after all
    because candles gleamed
    in the house next door.

    Twice a year
    a night was different from all other nights,
    for candles gleamed
    in the house next door.

    1. Marie Elena Avatar
      Marie Elena

      Be still my heart.

    2. Avatar

      My apologies to readers. I should’ve written “Passover and Rosh Hashanah.”

    3. purplepeninportland Avatar

      Beautiful, with an excellent refrain.

  16. connielpeters Avatar

    A Birthday Candle

    It was our niece’s thirty-fifth birthday. My sister and I were visiting her in Northern Ireland. We went shopping and bought her the backpack she wanted and ate a delicious lunch in what used to be a linen mill. Linen was what their town of Moygashel used to be all about. We went back to their small house with a yellow orange rose in the picket-fenced yard. We had birthday cake, which was a collection of sweets that we had gathered over the past few days and some ice cream. No place for birthday candles. Her husband had that covered with a twelve-inch candle that more resembled fireworks, shooting sparks up about two feet into the air. Meg stood there, holding the candle, surprised and a bit shocked as we sang happy birthday. The song ended as the smoke alarm sounded. We had a good laugh after the last spark and the alarm’s screech died down.

    As the sparks flew up
    I wonder what she wished
    On her thirty-fifth

    1. Mike Bayles Avatar
      Mike Bayles

      Very nice haibun.

      1. William Preston Avatar
        William Preston


    2. Marie Elena Avatar
      Marie Elena

      Awww! LOL! Good one, and what a fun memory, eh? Glad Walt’s prompt “sparked” it for you, so we get to enjoy it with you!

    3. purplepeninportland Avatar

      Good one, Connie!

  17. Mike Bayles Avatar
    Mike Bayles


    one candle

    on the end table


    shadows dance

    on a wall

    during the outage

    the neighborhood rests

    I surrender

    after the storm

    the babysitters

    across the hallway

    and I

    talk with each other

    to pass time

    the toddler whimpers

    it’s all right I say

    the toddler lies between them

    on the couch

    his face glows

    the warmth of soft light

    eases the night

    1. Marie Elena Avatar
      Marie Elena

      Such warmth of heart displayed in your words, Mike. Sweet memory.

      1. Mike Bayles Avatar
        Mike Bayles

        Thanks, Marie.

    2. William Preston Avatar
      William Preston

      Lovely vignette.

    3. purplepeninportland Avatar

      Lovely, Mike. I can see the one candle flickering in the darkness.

  18. Poetic Bloomings Avatar
    Poetic Bloomings

    A poem based on a thought by James Howell…


    “Burn not thy fingers to snuff another man’s candle.” 

    ~ James Howell

    What purpose does it serve to extinguish another man’s flame?
    Why would you deny another woman’s light?
    When the world needs the brilliance of many, how could any candle
    be allowed to go silent? A dark mind will find nothing but violence
    and a desire to burn uncontrolled to destroy all in its path.
    No bold declaration of one’s own self
    can provide the conflagration that many a candle
    can offer. One candle will augment all other candles
    when used to ignite their glow. A single match
    can light a multitude of candles. Know there is truth in light.
    Know that it is darkness that lies.

    (C) Walter J Wojtanik – 2018

    1. Marie Elena Avatar
      Marie Elena

      Oh, wow. WOW. The sentiment of this piece strikes all the more to my heart due to the words of the poet who penned it. WOW.

    2. William Preston Avatar
      William Preston


    3. purplepeninportland Avatar

      Excellent, Walt!

  19. janetrcarnahan Avatar


    why not strike
    that glorious flame
    make it bright
    what’s the shame

    not just adorn
    that lonely candle
    light it in us
    something we can handle

    every time
    we strike that wick
    we shine even brighter
    that’s the trick

    a candle simply
    holds the light
    clears out darkness
    with all its might

    our inner light
    just needs stoking
    a tool to unite
    truly, not joking

    it can lighten
    any room
    change into joy
    any doom

    we can be the candle
    that holds the fire
    cleansing out
    all muck and mire

    we have it in us
    to illuminate
    to become the love
    chasing out hate

    the lovely candle
    already glows
    offering a sign
    of what it knows

    let’s follow
    it’s obvious example
    catching our own light
    until there’s ample

    take that shine
    sparking our match
    such a warm idea
    let it hatch

    (c) Janet Rice Carnahan 2024

    1. Marie Elena Avatar
      Marie Elena

      “our inner light just needs stoking”


    2. William Preston Avatar
      William Preston

      Love the upbeat feeling this creates.

    3. purplepeninportland Avatar

      “our inner light
      just needs stoking”

      Wonderful thought, Janet.

  20. Marie Elena Avatar
    Marie Elena

    “A candle loses nothing by lighting another.”  ~ James Keller

    Is there anyone who hasn’t heard
    Or anyone who’s not been stirred
    By this glowing, truthful quote
    That light remains, as flame’s transferred.

    Might sharing light extinguish shame?
    Bring honor to another’s name?
    In my mind, it is good to note
    That light is light.  It’s all the same.

    I cannot lose myself, it’s true,
    By giving of myself to you.
    The sharing is the antidote.
    Let’s give, and watch the light accrue.

    When sharing kindness, goodness, light,
    We witness charity ignite.
    This sentiment that Keller wrote
    Shines hope into a troubled night.

    © Marie Elena Good 2024

    1. William Preston Avatar
      William Preston


      1. Marie Elena Avatar
        Marie Elena

        Thank you so much! This one took me way too long to write. I don’t know how many times I changed wording here and there to try to make it look smooth, and not forced. I don’t feel like I achieved that, but this was the closest I could come.

    2. purplepeninportland Avatar

      Wonderful poem and quote, Marie!

  21. purplepeninportland Avatar

    The Warmth of My Candles

    I cannot decide
    what I like about
    you most–your color,
    your scent, or your
    provision of security.
    Lavender watches over me
    in my office. An
    open shelf in my
    dining room features
    a Peace candle of earth
    which I never light. Keeping
    it company are ocean blue,
    french vanilla, and heady
    jasmine. You all provide
    security in case of
    darkness, where fear
    adheres to every pore.

    1. Marie Elena Avatar
      Marie Elena

      That unexpected ending! Oh my. I feel for you!

      1. purplepeninportland Avatar

        Thanks, Marie.

    2. William Preston Avatar
      William Preston

      Lovely images, but the ending brought me up short. Very moving.

      1. purplepeninportland Avatar

        Thanks, William!

  22.  Avatar

    I used to play a dulcimer and I played and sung this song…

    Blow the candles out…*

    I like your well behavior,

    And thus I often say…”*

    Your smile I am missing…

    It seems like forever

    And yet …

    “I cannot rest contented

    While you are far away…” *

    I toss and turn and wonder

    If your frame will darken my door,

    And yet…

    “The roads are all so muddy,

    We can’t be out about…”  *

    To road to my house is a mess,

    But I like stomping in the mud,

    And yet…

    “So, take me into your arms dear,

    And blow the candles out.”   *

    Steamy, sultry, silence…

    It is the south, n’est pas?

    Mary Elizabeth Todd

    June 9, 2024

    Traditional song from the 16th century *

    Blow the candles out is actually supposed to be sung as a duet with each verse answering the other; it is quite bawdy.

    1. Marie Elena Avatar
      Marie Elena

      I enjoyed this very much. The interplay between the song and your words is fascinating and well done!

      1. William Preston Avatar
        William Preston

        Indeed so.

        1.  Avatar

          thank you Bill and Marie… I had fun writing it

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