Pen, proszę (Sleep, Friend)

After years of struggling with various sleep disorders, our good friend and Poetic Bloomings host, Walter Wojtanik, is being treated for extreme exhaustion. Our prayers and well wishes go out to him tonight.

The following poem was written by Dyson McIllwain. It expresses what I would want to say, but could not express so well. Thank you, Dyson, for your tribute.


(By Dyson McIllwain)

Treading to keep your head above water,
catching a lungful from time to time.
Going down too many times to count,
but you struggle to survive. You remain
alive with the words that drip with the emotion
that has always been your forte. Drowning in a sea
of night sweats and  blankets tangled, and things
that go bump have you stumped as your sleeplessness
offers only anxiety and paranoia. Hold your breath
and allow rest to resuscitate your muse.
You’ve abused yourself far too long. Be strong
and let nature heal what it has destroyed.
The king is not dead, he merely sleeps.
We think it is about time.

“You can’t keep a good poet down. Best wishes and thoughtful prayers for Walt Wojtanik an extraordinary poet who has fallen prey to his demon. He will surely bounce back.”

Yes, he surely will. Rest up, Walt. We got your back.

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  1. Patricia Anne McGoldrick Avatar
    Patricia Anne McGoldrick

    Well done! This poem is an encouraging word!

  2. whimsygizmo Avatar

    Beautiful poem, Dyson. Many prayers for Walt.

  3. Shannon Smith Lockard Avatar
    Shannon Smith Lockard

    My sentiments exactly, well maybe a more polished, exquisite, well-crafted version of my sentiments.

  4. vivinfrance Avatar

    Poor, poor Walt. I do hope and pray that he is able to rest properly and come back to us renewed.

  5. Barbara Ehrentreu Avatar
    Barbara Ehrentreu

    Excellent poem, Dyson and so sorry to hear Walt has had so many sleep issues. My heart goes out to him and his family and I hope that the treatment is successful! Walt is one of the reasons I have always posted on PA. He gave me encouragement when I didn’t think I belonged there. Tell him for me, sleep well, my friend.

  6. MiskMask Avatar

    I completely echo Barbara’s words, and please relay my deepest, heartfelt wishes for his good health and return. My prayers are wish him.

  7. Andrew Avatar

    All best wishes to Walt – beautifully put, Dyson.

  8. laurie kolp Avatar
    laurie kolp

    My thoughts and prayers go out to Walt.

  9. Poetic Bloomings Avatar
    Poetic Bloomings

    “Rallentanda” posted an outstanding poem at Walt’s “Poet’s Heart” blog:

    Please do feel free to post poetry here in the comment section, or at Through the Eyes of a Poet’s Heart. Nothing like encouraging a poet with poetry.

    Marie Elena

  10. Nancy Coats Posey Avatar
    Nancy Coats Posey

    Since I’m teaching Sir Philip Sidney’s sonnets this week, here’s one for you:


    Come Sleep! O Sleep, the certain knot of peace,
    The baiting place of wit, the balm of woe,
    The poor man’s wealth, the prisoner’s release,
    The indifferent judge between the high and low;
    With shield of proof, shield me from out the prease
    Of those fierce darts Despair at me doth throw;
    O make in me those civil wars to cease;
    I will good tribute pay, if thou do so.
    Take thou of me smooth pillows, sweetest bed,
    A chamber deaf to noise and blind to light,
    A rosy garland and a weary head:
    And if these things, as being thine by right,
    Move not thy heavy grace, thou shalt in me,
    Livelier than elsewhere, Stella’s image see.

  11. RJ Clarken Avatar
    RJ Clarken

    Well said, Dyson! And thinking of you, Walt. ♥

  12. Poetic Bloomings Avatar
    Poetic Bloomings


    She escapes entirely,
    slipping through night’s fingers
    as words oppose the moon with deafening defiance.
    His grasp cannot contain her. She teases and flirts,
    leaving little more for his indulgence than disquieting dreams
    and distorted fabrications.
    “Be tender,” I implore her. For what does it profit her
    to withhold her gift? What vile fulfillment
    attends this senseless game?

    My prayer (and praise) on your behalf is found in Psalm 4:8. “In peace I will lie down and sleep. For you alone, LORD, make me dwell in safety.” Sleep well, my friend.

    Marie Elena

    1. Hannah Gosselin Avatar
      Hannah Gosselin

      Amen, Marie. Written beautifully! Warm smiles and ❤ to you!

      1. aleerily Avatar

        I think we were posting warm smiles at the same moment. ❤ to you, too!

        Marie Elena

  13. Hannah Gosselin Avatar
    Hannah Gosselin


    Walt of words;
    with truth,
    with love.
    One whose heart
    is held tenderly
    by so many.
    So many touched
    by his kindness
    and inspiration.
    Sweet dreams.
    Muse and moon
    rest soft your eyes.
    Comfort cradles
    his dreams tonight.
    Sweet dreams.

    ©Hannah Gosselin

    1. aleerily Avatar

      Sweet friend, this is entirely tender and lovely … so like you. Warm smiles…

      Marie Elena

      1. Hannah Gosselin Avatar
        Hannah Gosselin

        So glad that I can bring words to soothe. Thank you for the love, Marie. Cheers to synchronized smiles!! 🙂

  14. pmwanken Avatar

    even the best land
    must lie fallow for a while
    to keep producing

    P. Wanken

    Rest, recuperate, and return to us soon, my friend!

    A Haiku for Walt

  15. claudsy Avatar

    Walt will understand that my best poetic offerings don’t come early in the day, but I had to contribute to this tribute this morning.

    Sleep’s Release

    It is a chance, you see;
    A chance for thoughts to wander
    Through mind’s rooms, use be
    For questions you can ponder
    About taking the now,the then,
    The future to sculpt and mold
    Into those small monuments
    You present to us to hold;
    Monuments of word and vision
    To teach us all ooetic decision.

    Enforced rest and sleep is never easy. Alternatives come with heftier price tags, though. Come back refreshed, my friend.

  16. b Avatar

    Fine piece, Dyson.
    So sorry Walt’s been set back.
    We all have some touches of insomnia now and then, but it’s like hungry beside starvation.

    Dude, when you get back to dreaming, you are going to have a stockpile and a half.

  17. Michele Brenton Avatar
    Michele Brenton

    A friend of mine was having similar problems & I wrote him a poem in his comment section because I have had some strange experiences of writing poems which then come true. It worked for my friend who had a peaceful night’s sleep that night – even though he hadn’t seen my poem at that point. So I will write one for Walt now. It won’t be great poetry because it is going to be straight from the heart and brain & straight onto the comment section – but maybe it will work again. I hope so. Here goes.

    Breath deeply of the gentle night
    and take within the waiting air
    which softly sighs on in and out
    to smooth away your fears and cares.
    Drift with the currents into dreams
    believe in rest meant just for you
    warm and safe all sadness gone
    a world of comfort fresh and new.
    Close your eyes release all pain
    from being part of who you are
    be light and free and floating high
    above all sorrows like a star.
    May strength have filled you once again
    when you awake at morning’s kiss
    Breath deeply of the gentle night
    be nurtured in sleep’s healing bliss.

  18. Linda H. Avatar
    Linda H.

    Note for Walt

    Take some time to NOT write.
    Rest up to let your body heal.
    Dream sweet dreams every night.
    Let God take hold of the wheel,

    To guide you through troubled days
    Caused by the lack of needed zzzz’s.
    He’ll steer you through insomniac haze
    And put your worried mind at ease.

    Before you know it, you’ll be on the mend
    And posting poems for us to see.
    Until then, Walt, our dear friend,
    We will wait patiently.

    While we wait we’ll send you wishes
    For all good things to come your way–
    Caring friends, hugs, and Sandman kisses;
    Smiles and sunshine every day.

  19. Linda H. Avatar
    Linda H.

    I love your poem, and I hope it works.

  20. purplepeninportland Avatar

    Dyson, your poem was perfect. Michelle, all thoughts of healing will gather together here and there will be a refreshed, wonderful man back in our midst.

    For Walt,

    I enjoy your work
    and the encouraging words
    bring sunshine our way

  21. aleerily Avatar

    All your heart-felt poems and sentiments are appreciated more than I can express. To update you all, I’m posting the link to Walt’s Poet’s Heart blog: . A friend of his visited him, and posted this message: “I have visited our friend. He is in relatively good spirits, although he does look haggard. Walt has given me his jump drive to post the following message on his blog.”

    Bless his heart.


  22. Shauna Avatar

    Great poem, Dyson.

    you truly are an amazing man. To accomplish what you have, while struggling with these demons… I’m speechless. You have many people praying for you, over here in Marie’s writing corner. Take care.


    1. Poetic Bloomings Avatar
      Poetic Bloomings

      Love you, ShaunaBabe. ❤


  23. Poetic Bloomings Avatar
    Poetic Bloomings

    A Sabbath by Jane Shlensky
    (for Walt)

    All ground has stories to tell, plots to develop,
    seeds of character lying tucked and unrealized,
    dialogues with moisture and warmth, awaiting its seventh day.
    All earth holds its life and its peace within it,
    even when it lies fallow, resting
    under a snowfall, breathing deeply, drinking seasons,

    and letting itself settle into new rhythms
    and sound sleep free of expectation,
    to be for a time without anticipation of outcomes.

    Come spring, shoots will green, planted
    or not, and winter’s wizened bulbs will swell toward bloom,
    that same silent patch of dirt reaching

    for a chance to make manifest its dreams.
    God knows. Every stretch of land,
    like everything that lives, needs time to heal—

    a long breath, a season, or a year—enough emptiness
    to hear air, smell change, taste redemption.
    Everything that lives, every story, needs a sabbath.

    1. Poetic Bloomings Avatar
      Poetic Bloomings

      Mmmmm … soothing, wise, and lovely.


  24. Poetic Bloomings Avatar
    Poetic Bloomings

    To a poet, there is no greater joy or gift than to be feted by another poet in tribute. I thank all who have stood steadfast alongside me in this journey. Your work amazes and inspires.
    In particular, thanks to Dyson, Rallentanda, Nancy Coats Posey, Marie Elena Good, Michele Breton, Linda H., Hannah, Paula, Claudsy, Sara and Jane. You all made my day. Walt

    1. Hannah Gosselin Avatar
      Hannah Gosselin

      I’m so glad that we could help to bring lightness to your day, Walt. Big smiles to you always!

  25. Sharp Little Pencil Avatar
    Sharp Little Pencil

    Marie, ironically, I just posted an apology on my blog because I’ve been in a very bad depression for several days. As I “tread the bottom,” I will pray for Walt, that he has the patience and stamina to see it through. Walt, I know it feels like gravity has more power than usual, but keep fighting – I’m Irish, you’re Polish – we come from hearty stock. God bless you, friend, and God bless Marie Elena for sharing the lovely poem above.

    Walt, we need to grow some gills, both of us!!! Love, Amy

    1. Poetic Bloomings Avatar
      Poetic Bloomings

      Praying you BOTH rise out of the slump you are in. 😦
