Most everyone who enters the Poetic Bloomings blog refers to it as a “garden.” It seems only natural (pardon the expression) to suggest that we return to our roots to write a poem about gardens, gardening, gardeners, or some combination thereof. Not everyone likes gardens, of course: some folks simply hate it and others think that wild nature is preferable to cultivated nature; natural gardens or gardening could be your topic as well, therefore. In any way it seems appropriate to you, write a “garden” poem.


Consider the Garden

What rose
Glances with scorn
At the aster,
“I don’t understand,
Therefore I fear.”
Let every gardener
And every passerby
Discover the beauty of color,
Texture and fragrance
As they mingle
And adorn.

© copyright 2013,  Marie Elena Good



When first I went outdoors for planting,
I had myself a burst of ranting:
my thumb was not green; I vented my spleen
and came indoors, angry and panting.

© copyright 2013, William Preston

Published by


  1. Erin Kay Hope Avatar
    Erin Kay Hope

    Beneath the Frost

    Beneath the frost there lies a hidden place,
    Entangled in a web of frozen sleep,
    Just waiting for a chance to show it’s face,
    Just waiting for the warmth to slowly seep

    Into its icicle-encrusted heart
    And break the heavy, winter bonds that hold
    A thousand captives, each a work of art,
    Ensnared in slumber, locked in cells of cold;

    Beneath the frost there lies a hidden place,
    Now dead and brown, devoid of comeliness,
    Just waiting for sun to show it’s face
    And grant its wish of warmth and loveliness;

    But for right now, beneath the ice and snow,
    The ghosts of flowers wait for spring to show.

    © Copyright Erin Kay Hope – 2013

    1. William Preston Avatar
      William Preston

      This sonnet is as lovely as the ghosts you speak of, in my opinion.

      1. Erin Kay Hope Avatar
        Erin Kay Hope

        Thank you, William. 🙂

    2. poetryshack Avatar

      Love it Erin. There’s a lot beneath the frost right? “Entangled in a web of frozen sleep”.
      “Ensnared in slumber, locked in cells of cold”. You can sense the great potential waiting to be unleased in this one.

      1. Poetic Bloomings Avatar
        Poetic Bloomings

        Yes. Those are the portions that I found intriguing as well. Lovely poem, Erin Kay!

        1. Erin Kay Hope Avatar
          Erin Kay Hope

          Thanks, Marie! ❤

      2. Erin Kay Hope Avatar
        Erin Kay Hope

        Yes, there is a lot beneath the frost. Thank you so much for your lovely comment, Ben!

    3. Linda E.H. Avatar
      Linda E.H.

      This sonnet looks like a winner. I love the wording, the imagery, the rhyme which doesn’t seem forced at all, and the theme. Excellent work this week, Erin.

      1. Erin Kay Hope Avatar
        Erin Kay Hope

        Wow…thank you, Linda! Your words mean a lot to me. 🙂

    4. Marian Veverka Avatar
      Marian Veverka


      1. Erin Kay Hope Avatar
        Erin Kay Hope

        Thanks, Marian. 🙂

    5. David Avatar

      Love it!

      1. Erin Kay Hope Avatar
        Erin Kay Hope

        Thank you, David!

    6. elishevasmom Avatar

      Your poems are always at the head of the line, and you set the tone for all of us. Beautifully penned.

      1. Erin Kay Hope Avatar
        Erin Kay Hope

        Thanks so much, Ellen! I’m glad you liked it.

    7. Henrietta Choplin Avatar
      Henrietta Choplin


    8. Marjory MT Avatar
      Marjory MT

      Good feeling of the winter place.

  2. barbara_y Avatar


    My great-uncle raised asparagus
    and rhubarb, among other market crops.
    He tired of that, moved. My uncle
    bought the property: house, piano,
    foot-pump organ, walk-in closet, carp pool,
    glass tent of greenhouse. By the time
    I was of an exploration mind, that
    greenhouse was the only artifact of farming.
    But you could see the garden in absences.
    The lot beside the house was like a man
    who never married but has grown bent
    around the shape of some lost love.

    1. William Preston Avatar
      William Preston

      The phrases you use, “glass tent of greenhouse”; “you could see the garden in absences”; among others, are wonderfully startling, and the concluding lines are heart-rendiing. I loved reading this.

    2. poetryshack Avatar

      There’s a lot in this one. From growth to wild lots. From sowing to a lost shadow of love.

    3. Poetic Bloomings Avatar
      Poetic Bloomings

      Ohmigosh … what a portrait you paint. Honestly, I can’t imagine a more uniquely presented, more mood-inducing poem representing a nostalgia I have no business feeling.

      Barbara, you are so amazing.

      1. barbara_y Avatar


    4. Meena Rose Avatar
      Meena Rose

      This is just brilliant!

      1. Henrietta Choplin Avatar
        Henrietta Choplin

        Yes… as always…

    5. Erin Kay Hope Avatar
      Erin Kay Hope

      Wonderful imagery here, Barbara! Love this piece!

    6. Marjory MT Avatar
      Marjory MT

      I see places like you depict, as I drive the back country road and they bring sweet memories.

  3. Gardens for Living | Vivinfrance's Blog Avatar
    Gardens for Living | Vivinfrance's Blog

    […] for Poetic Bloomings, in the Garden […]

  4. Avatar

    My contribution needs the pictures, hence you will find it here:

    1. William Preston Avatar
      William Preston

      Thank you for providing what seems to me to be a lifetime of reflections in words and pictures. Both are wonderful.

      1. Poetic Bloomings Avatar
        Poetic Bloomings

        Though the photos add to the overall picture, your words really are sufficient to paint the scenery and the emotions. Viv, I love that you have beauty in your life, and that you have managed to keep your head up through all the changes.

    2. poetryshack Avatar

      Viv, I didnt know you had such a green thumb! Nice pictures, actual and poetic.

    3. elishevasmom Avatar

      Viv, It is truly a painful process of letting go of things we used to be able to pour ourselves into so completely. Blessed we are, though that the Lord provides us with ample bounties of His handiwork, as though to assuage our bruised feelings. 😉

    4. Erin Kay Hope Avatar
      Erin Kay Hope

      This poem is like a story the way it blossoms and unfolds. Very nicely done, Vivienne, and I love the pictures! 🙂

    5. Henrietta Choplin Avatar
      Henrietta Choplin

      Lovely, Viv…!!

    6. Marjory MT Avatar
      Marjory MT

      How true – gardens and our steps seen to go apace.

  5. William Preston Avatar
    William Preston

    Marie, I am deeply impressed with your offering, especially the first stanza. It could be on a plaque at the United Nations, in my view.

    1. Poetic Bloomings Avatar
      Poetic Bloomings

      Thank you so much, Bill. “Deeply impressed” just jump-started my heart this morning. 🙂

  6. poetryshack Avatar

    Lovely offerings William and Marie. The Garden always begins with you!

    1. Poetic Bloomings Avatar
      Poetic Bloomings

      Thank you, Benjamin! We’ll be watching for Walt to peek in up there at some point as well. ❤

  7. Poetic Bloomings Avatar
    Poetic Bloomings

    Bill, yours cracked me up! When I read your prompt, I figured your example would be elegant. Instead, you gave me the giggles. Love it!

    1. William Preston Avatar
      William Preston

      Thanks, Marie. You’d probably not be surprised that comedians are among my heroes.

  8. poetryshack Avatar

    The Beauty of the Bloom

    Glamorous choice gardens
    Splashes valiantly, dances with color
    Making noise sounding spring.

    Rich budding stems give the signal
    Saying “its time, unfurl your coats”.
    Long awaited blooms feverishly
    Showcase their splendor in sync.

    Myriads attend nature’s symphony;
    Enamored by the harmony of sound,
    Appreciating at length it’s classical varieties.

    Those who faithfully tended the garden, all chose the rose, but none chose the root.

    Beauty grows in an upward fashion
    Stretching green for the open sky.
    Toward the expectant eye of the beholder. But where is the beauty of the root?

    At the time of life, the glory of the flower is manifested, and we all embrace it’s flame. But roots keep silent, grow whitherward soil lacking jealousy, flare, or shame.

    And yet, at another time of life beauty fails the green. Choice blooms take their last breath. Petals wilt, all stems crumble, life flees from its chest.

    Peacefulness, silence blankets the garden proper. Blooms lay withered, faded into Earth. The flower has fallen, no soul attends the doom.

    Faint buzz of wings simmer at a distance. Winter breezes hastily awaken, so eager to bring a chill. Humbled roots seek warmth, stay hidden, lying still. Waiting for an opportune time for its music.

    So is the bloom the issue of beauty from the root? Or is the root the beauty of the bloom?

    1. Wm Preston Avatar
      Wm Preston

      This is a fascinating and thoughtful piece, in my opinion, and bids me think differently, as good poems do.

      1. poetryshack Avatar

        Thoughts appreciated William.

    2. elishevasmom Avatar

      ‘Those who faithfully tended the garden, all chose the rose, but none chose the root.’ For me, that is the balance point of the whole poem. I love it.

      1. poetryshack Avatar

        Thank you

      2. Henrietta Choplin Avatar
        Henrietta Choplin

        Oh, I agree!

    3. Erin Kay Hope Avatar
      Erin Kay Hope

      Gorgeous, thought provoking poem, Ben! The way you write is so beautiful. 🙂

      1. poetryshack Avatar

        Thanks Erin, the beauty is mutual!

    4. Marjory MT Avatar
      Marjory MT

      Very well put in thought and writing

  9. sheryl kay oder Avatar
    sheryl kay oder

    I hope I have not posted this old poem before.

    Garden Delights

    A cool breeze entices me
    as I stray beside the wildflowers,
    their blossoms like orange bells.

    I hear a lingering melody,
    and realize I am audience
    to a bird chamber music concert.

    Then I glimpse her
    as she scampers like a squirrel,
    darting in and out,
    daring me to find her.

    The muse winks.

    1. Wm Preston Avatar
      Wm Preston

      I can picture this scene as well as hear it.. The winking muse and the music seem to be playing with each other. I enjoyed reading and imagining this.

      1. sheryl kay oder Avatar
        sheryl kay oder

        Thank you, William.

    2. poetryshack Avatar

      Nice Sheryl, “blossoms like orange bells” is beautiful. I also like the hide and go seek here.

      1. sheryl kay oder Avatar
        sheryl kay oder

        I’m gad you enjoy that image, since I don’t know the name of that flower. 😉

      2. Henrietta Choplin Avatar
        Henrietta Choplin

        “…blossoms like orange bells” is soo Beautiful!!

    3. elishevasmom Avatar

      Thoughts of the muse scampering and winking certainly belong together. The one sketches the outline, and the other fills it in. All in so few words.

      1. sheryl kay oder Avatar
        sheryl kay oder

        Thank you. I use few words because elaboration is not my strong suit. I’m glad you think that works.

    4. Erin Kay Hope Avatar
      Erin Kay Hope

      This is sweet, Sheryl! I especially love that second stanza.

    5. Marjory MT Avatar
      Marjory MT

      Delightful reading

  10. flashpoetguy Avatar


    their petals soaked in flower blood
    because when they first bloomed
    in the first garden that first week
    they stood in stemmed rows
    asking God the Gardener to give them
    beating hearts as He had given
    the beasts of land and sea
    beating hearts so they would know
    life’s painful sacrifice enough
    to shed blood when these hearts
    would sometimes break
    just as He had kindly given them
    the dew of tears to shed each morning
    as sadly they would long for
    the brightness of the dawn
    beating hearts to pump blood
    that could be shed
    this is what these roses asked
    and God the Gardener was moved
    by their flower prayer
    but He wanted that at least
    they be spared what pain would come
    when Eden was no more
    so He compromised and soaked
    their white petals in the blood
    of His own Son that would be shed
    somewhere in time


    as if their petals were open hands
    gathering into themselves the secret
    of the sky and sea
    as if strong-stemmed they stood
    despite the wind to say their peace
    how much their petals yearned for blue
    to capture the wildness of the waves
    to embody all of what was heaven
    how small was their request from a God
    Who could do all things
    give us the strength of your heaven
    give us the majesty of your seas
    simple violets are we
    let us praise you
    and God the Gardener was moved
    by their flower prayer
    but He wanted to spare at least
    these His creatures from
    all that sky and sea entail
    and so He compromised
    took a painter’s brush
    with which He soaked their petals
    in the richness of His blue
    and when His art was then complete
    He marveled at the way these violets
    these loving creatures He had made
    would bob their blue heads towards
    His infinite heaven
    how they would bow their blue heads
    towards His majestic sea


    1. Wm Preston Avatar
      Wm Preston

      You proffer such vibrant imagery here. Lovely.

    2. David Avatar

      Love the building in these Sal – Stirring!

    3. Erin Kay Hope Avatar
      Erin Kay Hope

      These are sheet genius. I really love the second one, but they are both beautiful!

      1. Henrietta Choplin Avatar
        Henrietta Choplin

        Oh, I absolutely agree, and I, too, especially Love the second one!!

    4. Marjory MT Avatar
      Marjory MT

      Very nicely done

  11. flashpoetguy Avatar


    you pick the flower moments
    in the garden of your life
    then watch them disappear
    within the clasped hollow
    of your now empty hand

    they’re gone!
    they’re gone!

    all those roses you hold
    dissipate in thin air
    but their lingering fragrance
    can be read in creased lines
    confessing tomorrow
    in the palms of your hands

    every rose from time’s garden
    fills your eyes with such wonder
    but you dwell much too long
    with time-wasting questions:
    misnaming the minutes
    mistaking the truth
    for some dark chimera

    they’re gone!
    they’re gone!

    as you pick from the garden
    as your fingers touch stems
    then close all around them

    they’re gone!
    they’re gone!

    they are minutes too fleeing
    A velvet soft-thorny
    bright and yet wilting
    smell of life but dying
    flourishing, floundering,
    frittering away


    1. Wm Preston Avatar
      Wm Preston

      I think this is lovely and profound, and the sounds, especially in the last stanza, leave it ringing in my mind.

      1. Erin Kay Hope Avatar
        Erin Kay Hope

        Yes! Wonderful poem, Sal!

      2. Henrietta Choplin Avatar
        Henrietta Choplin


  12. connielpeters Avatar

    Daddy Plants

    I can picture him there
    In the garden
    Acres of garden

    Tilling the earth
    His back red

    Weeding, working

    Calling on his five girls
    To pick and gather
    Snap, husk, can, freeze

    We, often complained
    About the work we had to do
    The fun we were missing

    Not thankful enough
    For the love he planted
    In each little hill

    1. Wm Preston Avatar
      Wm Preston

      Thank you for this. It’s a splendid picture of love in action, in my mind.

      1. Henrietta Choplin Avatar
        Henrietta Choplin

        Yes… “love in action”…

    2. David Avatar

      This takes me back in time. Special moments we so quickly took for granted, cherished now. Thanks for bringing me there.

    3. Erin Kay Hope Avatar
      Erin Kay Hope

      Very nice, Connie, with a wealth of truth outpoured here. Thank you for this! 🙂

    4. Marjory MT Avatar
      Marjory MT

      ….and the memories he planted in five girls’ hearts.

    5. poetryshack Avatar

      Love this “Daddy Plants”
      We are always sowing something into someone, somewhere. Daddy planting love in the hills is very pleasing!

  13. flashpoetguy Avatar


    Not about May roses nor old love letters
    nor mint juleps lazily sipped or sweet tea
    in the antebellum gazebo, a stone’s throw
    from Aunt Ophelia’s magnolia tree;

    Nor is this about some long-gone summer,
    a poem set in rhyme, a strange quantum leap
    out of joint, sad woeful children shaping
    dark vengeance in their sleep.

    It is deeper than that:

    More a gray winding blame that hasn’t a name
    by which we can wish it away.
    Not about roses in May nor an endless game
    of justified means, and nor of running barefoot
    through heavy-rain dreams.

    It is deeper than that:

    Beyond garden and wood, beyond evil and good.
    More a gray winding blame that hasn’t a name
    by which we can wish it away.


    1. Wm Preston Avatar
      Wm Preston


    2. Erin Kay Hope Avatar
      Erin Kay Hope

      Some startling images here. Beautiful!

      1. Henrietta Choplin Avatar
        Henrietta Choplin


  14. David Avatar

    In the Garden

    By David De Jong

    In the garden where time began,
    Creation’s glory, a sinless man.
    It was not good he was alone,
    God gave Eve from a single bone.
    They walked and talked with God first-hand,
    Naming creatures in Eden’s land.
    It wasn’t long before man’s fall,
    Taking heed the deceiver’s call.

    In the garden where time stood still,
    Prayers in anguish searching God’s will.
    A perfect Lamb for sacrifice,
    None till this time could pay the price.
    Promised in Eden long ago,
    One to bring death its final blow.
    He knew His fate, He knew His time,
    Giving His life for all mankind.

    In the garden with time reborn,
    The Master Gardener’s glory shown.
    See the tomb, the stone rolled away,
    Sin lost its battle on that day.
    Death no longer would have its claim,
    Life on earth wouldn’t be the same.
    We remember, the words He said,
    As we taste the wine, break the bread.

    In this garden a simple man,
    Struggles through life to understand;
    How one could love another so,
    Sacrifice His life even though;
    I fail His Word, His Trust, His Way,
    My selfish path once more astray.
    So, on my knees I’ll tend the weeds,
    Praying for fruit from tiny seeds.

    In this garden where all is grown
    May Christ abide, His Love be shown

    1. Henrietta Choplin Avatar
      Henrietta Choplin

      Lovely, David…

    2. Erin Kay Hope Avatar
      Erin Kay Hope

      David, this is magnificent! That second stanza – wow!

    3. Marjory MT Avatar
      Marjory MT

      So true

  15. Marian Veverka Avatar
    Marian Veverka

    Our Gardening Genes

    For many years after her passing
    my grandmother’s friends all raved
    about the beauties of her garden
    and pointed to flowers they had saved
    from seed grown by her own hand.

    My father was a gardener, too,
    He loved to see things grow.
    During the years of WW2 we
    Kept a victory garden. I also know
    How seeds are started early in their
    Pots and to transplant carefully by hand.
    Always on a cloudy day and to understand
    The mysteries of watering and which
    Green up -thrusting sprout
    Should be handled carefully and
    Which should be weeded out!

    1. Henrietta Choplin Avatar
      Henrietta Choplin


    2. Erin Kay Hope Avatar
      Erin Kay Hope

      Lovely, Marian. 🙂

    3. WmPreston Avatar

      This piece is almost instructional as well as a reminiscence. I find it a very restful and peaceful poem to read. Thanks.

    4. Marjory MT Avatar
      Marjory MT


  16. janeshlensky Avatar

    Garden Origins

    “Who plants a seed beneath the sod and waits to see, believes in God.”

    The wizened bulb,
    unremarkable as dirt;
    the seed pod, rattling
    in dusty husk,
    its prattling dots
    of promise whispering
    what can be, come spring.

    Beneath all salty slime,
    darting cells split;
    specks of possibility,
    resilience grabs
    hold of life. All
    origins return to us.

    A garden life requires
    a hopeful eye,
    a willingness
    to see the extraordinary
    rise from the mundane.

    We take a trowel,
    dig a furrow, plant
    a daydream that grows
    in our heads
    and in the soil.

    We wait, committed
    to nature’s time,
    to chance and tenacity
    so lush and petaled,
    so formed, foliaged,
    flowered, fruited,
    so tendrilled with longing,

    so very Eden.

    1. Wm Preston Avatar
      Wm Preston
    2. Henrietta Choplin Avatar
      Henrietta Choplin


    3. Erin Kay Hope Avatar
      Erin Kay Hope

      Gorgeous! I love the prayerful aspect of this poem. ❤

    4. Marjory MT Avatar
      Marjory MT

      I love best you quote – it says it all.

  17. elishevasmom Avatar

    Eden’s Keyhole (a fable)

    It’s Springtime again
    and I’m peeking through the keyhole
    of the Garden of Eden.
    From my clandestine vantage point
    I see trees,
    some wide of girth, some narrow and lithe,
    some strong and supple, others barely alive.
    Yet in common, all have a tinge,
    a new red glow and all a-fringe.
    For as the sun awakens them from their winter slumber
    naked they stand, and embarrassed blush.
    And after learned discourse amongst their number,
    en-robe themselves in splendor lush.
    Witness they were to mankind’s shame
    when they first refused to play the game.
    And fearing to share in mankind’s fate,
    and thus be banished from Eden’s gate,
    they follow this ritual every year—
    all trees everywhere—far and near.
    And so have remained within the Garden
    and continue to plea for mankind’s pardon.
    Never get so great and proud that you forget
    how to blush.

    Ellen Evans 12.15.13
    write a “garden” poem for PB

    1. Wm Preston Avatar
      Wm Preston

      Wonderful allusion! It never occurred to me that the trees were blushing.

    2. Henrietta Choplin Avatar
      Henrietta Choplin

      Love this, Ellen!! 🙂 !

    3. Erin Kay Hope Avatar
      Erin Kay Hope

      This is so creative, and so beautiful. Love it!

    4. poetryshack Avatar

      I adore this perspective and opening lines in this! “I’m peeking through the keyhole of the garden of Eden 🙂

  18. purplepeninportland Avatar

    Overlooking My Garden

    A buddha and llama guard
    my garden. When I write
    on my swing, they send
    positive notes
    of hypnotizing music
    sailing through
    the hinoki tree,
    into branches
    of my Japanese maple,
    and continue weaving
    in and out, whistling
    a harmony
    over heads of pink azaleas,
    purple Irish heather bells,
    and wild grasses.
    When they are off duty,
    statues of Alice, The Mad Hatter,
    and the White Rabbit
    take time out from tea
    to oversee the garden’s charms.

    1. Wm Preston Avatar
      Wm Preston

      Sounds a bit like the United Nations. On second though, no; the U.N. should do so well. I loved this.

      1. purplepeninportland Avatar

        The UN would change its tune. Thanks, William.

    2. Hannah Gosselin Avatar
      Hannah Gosselin

      This sounds like the perfect place for tea and poetry!!

      1. Henrietta Choplin Avatar
        Henrietta Choplin

        Oh! I so agree!! I Love your little spot, Sara!!

      2. purplepeninportland Avatar

        It is, once the dogs stop barking at every living thing going by.

        1. Hannah Gosselin Avatar
          Hannah Gosselin

          Yeah, that can be a mood-breaker. :/ Have you seen Ceaser Milan? He has tricks for everything. 🙂

          1. purplepeninportland Avatar

            Yes, but I remain a sceptic.

            1. Hannah Gosselin Avatar
              Hannah Gosselin

              Yeah, he seems to read a lot into their psychology…a few of his methods have helped with my puppy. 🙂

    3. markwindham Avatar

      putting the buddha with the Hatter and the rabbit for tea holds some interesting possibilities… sounds like a perfect getaway spot.

      1. purplepeninportland Avatar

        It is, Mark. Thanks.

    4. Erin Kay Hope Avatar
      Erin Kay Hope


      1. purplepeninportland Avatar

        Thanks, Erin!

    5. elishevasmom Avatar

      I wish I had a garden like this. I live in a high-rise. but, at least through your beautiful poem, I can always retreat to yours! Thank you! 😀

      1. purplepeninportland Avatar

        This is a wonderful backyard. I lived in apartments most of my life.

    6. poetryshack Avatar

      I enjoyed this picturesque piece!

      1. purplepeninportland Avatar

        That hanks so much, Benjamin!

  19. Henrietta Choplin Avatar
    Henrietta Choplin

    “I come to the garden, alone… while the dew is still on the roses…” -Brad Paisley, “In the Garden”

    B’s Flower

    And there I seek
    your peace and solitude
    in the face of an Iris
    that we did Love.

    1. Wm Preston Avatar
      Wm Preston

      Wonderful, quiet, and tender.

      1. Henrietta Choplin Avatar
        Henrietta Choplin

        Thank you, William… I Love how you understood the feelings that I had while writing it…

    2. Hannah Gosselin Avatar
      Hannah Gosselin

      I agree…so peaceful…I love gazing into the face of a flower.

      1. Henrietta Choplin Avatar
        Henrietta Choplin

        Oh, Hannah… me too… Thank you… !!

    3. markwindham Avatar

      ah, we had the same song in mind…very nice

      1. Henrietta Choplin Avatar
        Henrietta Choplin

        …but, of course… 😀 !! It’s Lovely to see you again, Mark, I have missed your voice!!

        1. Henrietta Choplin Avatar
          Henrietta Choplin

          And, Thank you!!

    4. Erin Kay Hope Avatar
      Erin Kay Hope

      So peaceful, so beautiful, so enchanting. Once again, you’ve said so much in so few words. Love it! xx

      1. Henrietta Choplin Avatar
        Henrietta Choplin

        Oh, friend, I am honored… thank you!!

    5. Marjory MT Avatar
      Marjory MT

      Beautifully said Hen 🙂

      1. Henrietta Choplin Avatar
        Henrietta Choplin

        Thank you, so much, friend, it is so Good to see you here!! 🙂 !!

  20. Nurturing Radishes and Progeny, (seeing that there’re no simple miracles and remembering to carry on the learned way called love). | Metaphors and Smiles Avatar
    Nurturing Radishes and Progeny, (seeing that there’re no simple miracles and remembering to carry on the learned way called love). | Metaphors and Smiles

    […] Bloomings-PROMPT #133 – IN THE GARDEN-Most everyone who enters the Poetic Bloomings blog refers to it as a “garden.” It seems only […]

  21. Hannah Gosselin Avatar
    Hannah Gosselin

    Nurturing Radishes and Progeny, (seeing that there’re no simple miracles and remembering to carry on the learned way called love).
    Scarlet skinned
    with brilliant white centers,
    she left them to flower
    believing in their wildness
    and unquestioning
    toward the warmed palm-
    calm of Mother Nature;
    she relies on her guidance:
    provide patience,
    instill goodness,
    and impart the learned gifts
    that’re given so freely
    to every generation.
    Yes, all of this
    and she must wait-
    delay her tongue
    in the telling’s of the wise.
    Life’s wisdom must tarry
    till the soil’s ready,
    she’ll know when they’re to receive
    and in the meantime
    radishes have grown deep
    and tall with many days,
    their ways have become rich-
    resplendent in their fullness;
    pods have formed
    and they hold tiny seeds-
    timely miracles.
    Tough husks know
    precisely when to split
    and they understand
    that they’re the very means for ending
    and the catalyst for a rich beginning.
    Crimson hearts
    will soon take hold,
    taught in the tender soil
    held in the nourishing light
    and the cycle of love takes root
    again and again
    and yet again.
    Copyright © Hannah Gosselin 2013

    1. Wm Preston Avatar
      Wm Preston

      I think this is magnificent. The pacing has a back-and-forth quality that fits with the cycles of which you write. Thanks for creating this.

    2. markwindham Avatar

      🙂 they do give us miracles. It is keeping the weeds from their way that is the challenge.

    3. Henrietta Choplin Avatar
      Henrietta Choplin

      Oh, Hannah… !!! 🙂 !

    4. Erin Kay Hope Avatar
      Erin Kay Hope

      Wonderful! I love the peaceful, thankful attitude in this one. 🙂

  22. Poetic Horticulture – A Message Through Time #FWF | Two Voices, One Song

    […] at Poetic Bloomings today, the prompt has us contemplate gardening/gardens. Over at Kellie Elmore’s Free Write […]

  23. Meena Rose Avatar
    Meena Rose

    Here is my contribution… I am not sure if it technically fits the prompt but this NON gardener tried her best 🙂

    Organic Thought
    By: Meena Rose

    No! No! No!
    She savagely denied
    The news that this
    Envelop represented.

    It was Nana’s letterhead;
    There was no mistaking it;
    The jasmine scent, embossed
    Seal, the handwriting.

    Who would do this to her?
    Who could be so cruel? Nana…
    Sweet Nana had gone missing;
    Declared dead and mourned.

    They all moved on – not her;
    She hung on wrapping tendrils of
    Memory around many a wine glass;
    Vines of bittersweet thought

    And sorrow. The will. They all
    Hated her for it – Nana left it
    All to her, the clueless grandchild
    In everyone’s eye. She hated them.

    The air above the envelop shimmered
    Catching her eye just so – perhaps
    Just perhaps she allows herself to
    Hope – perhaps Nana never died and

    It was all a test and she, she wanted
    Her back – the only one to have passed
    The test – Yes, yes this had to be it
    Were her thoughts as she tore it open.
    Sweet Cassie,
    This has been hard on you, sweet child.
    The others do not understand what it
    Means to be a Fairstrider. You do,
    I have watched you since the day you were born.

    Outside with you, Cassie. Go to our swing.
    Are you sitting down now? Not now, dear one.
    Go on, sit. You think I am here watching you.
    I am not. I know you. We are of the same mold.

    We, the Fairstriders, tend to the gardens of thought.
    Not just yours and mine. All thought. We keep the
    Soils fertile. We grow the muses on a tree. Some
    Will be drawn to words. Some will be drawn to art.

    A rare few would be drawn to poetry. Look about you.
    Do you see the shimmer? The faintest of glimmers off
    To the north east? Yes, that’s the muses growing thirsty.
    Don’t hold back or there will be many a poet’s block.

    Go out now. Mix and mingle. Laugh and giggle. They know
    Pain. Teach them laughter. They know hurt. Teach them love.
    They are shy and a skittish bunch. Socialize them.
    Befriend them till they can earn a human’s trust.
    Before her eyes, the letter disintegrated into glitter;
    Falling playfully away from fingers, she could not
    Resist the smile as she heard them call out
    “Look over there! It’s the human muse, herself!”

    1. Wm Preston Avatar
      Wm Preston

      Entrancing, utterly entrancing.

      1. Henrietta Choplin Avatar
        Henrietta Choplin

        Oh, yes…!!!

        1. Meena Rose Avatar
          Meena Rose

          Bless you, Hen 😀

      2. Meena Rose Avatar
        Meena Rose

        Thanks, Bill 🙂

    2. Erin Kay Hope Avatar
      Erin Kay Hope

      Wow…I am at a loss for words to describe the enchantment of this poem. Meena, this is amazing!

      1. Meena Rose Avatar
        Meena Rose

        Thank you, Erin. Sometimes when the “creative” is against the wall, interesting writing emerges. 🙂

    3. elishevasmom Avatar

      What a wondrous piece of winsome imagination! If this is not yet the basis of a short story, it should be!

      1. Meena Rose Avatar
        Meena Rose

        Hehehe. You are the third person to suggest that this should become a short story. I just might see where this thought thread takes me.

    4. poetryshack Avatar

      Exquisite! The Rose strikes again

      1. Meena Rose Avatar
        Meena Rose

        Thanks, Benjamin.

  24. Nancy Posey Avatar
    Nancy Posey

    Winter Garden

    Lying fallow now, the ground deceives,
    hiding the seeds, the roots deep in the soil,
    no hint of spring’s fresh coat of green.
    Snow obscures the plow’s furrows,
    and cornstalks bend in mock homage
    toward the earth. You too must fear
    that deep inside, cold as any stone,
    my heart lies barren, empty, incapable
    of new life. My secret: gestating there
    the smallest kernel of my love lives,
    awaiting the warmth of your return.

    1. Wm Preston Avatar
      Wm Preston

      This poem drew me in gently, made me wonder, then set me free. I loved reading it.

    2. markwindham Avatar

      yes, we always seem to find a way to regrow love, no matter how frozen the field once seemed.

      1. Henrietta Choplin Avatar
        Henrietta Choplin

        Yes… we do…(happily)!!

      2. Erin Kay Hope Avatar
        Erin Kay Hope

        Yes. Beautiful poem, Nancy!

  25. Mark Windham Avatar
    Mark Windham

    Return to the Garden

    I have been too long away
    from this garden.
    I have forgotten the feel of the living
    earth in my hands,
    the feel of dew soft on my
    the sound of birds greeting
    the new day.
    Mostly, I have forgotten
    the feeling of belonging,
    the morning walks
    and the conversations,
    and the sound of a voice
    so sweet,
    the birds stop their singing.
    The joy, that none other
    could ever know …
    yes, it is that joy I have
    missed the most.

    1. Wm Preston Avatar
      Wm Preston

      This is a very nice allusion to the old song, or so it seems to me.

      1. markwindham Avatar

        it was indeed, seemed to be the only direction i could go once hearing the prompt

    2. Henrietta Choplin Avatar
      Henrietta Choplin

      Ohh… I Love this!! Welcome back, Mark!!

      1. markwindham Avatar

        thank you. not enough hours these days it seems. wish I could be here more

    3. Erin Kay Hope Avatar
      Erin Kay Hope

      Love it! Those first few lines are so beautiful.

      1. markwindham Avatar

        thank you

    4. poetryshack Avatar

      Mark! Good to see planting here! How’ve you been?

      1. markwindham Avatar

        good, thank you, just crazy busy. Writing always seems to take a back seat. Darn kids keep expecting to eat…every day!

        1. poetryshack Avatar


  26. Wm Preston Avatar
    Wm Preston


    Under snow
    where naught can grow
    the roots await the spring;
    these denizens of cold and dark
    will one day please the meadowlark
    with food and covering,
    but now, abed
    and seeming dead,
    they plan the next growth ring.

    copyright 2013, William Preston

    1. markwindham Avatar

      everything is taking a break, happily with no snow here. Well done.

    2. Henrietta Choplin Avatar
      Henrietta Choplin

      Yes, amazing they are…

    3. Erin Kay Hope Avatar
      Erin Kay Hope

      This is magical, William. Looks like we were thinking along the same lines. 🙂

  27. ejparsons Avatar

    The Flower on the Path

    I saw a flower along my path
    Beautifully bloomed
    With heavenly fragrance
    I stopped to touch its petals
    And experience its scent
    And thought about picking it
    For you

    I left it where it grew
    For all who walk that path
    To enjoy its beauty
    And fragrance

    For if I had picked it
    You would have enjoyed it
    For but a day or so
    Before it died
    And when dead and limp
    It would make you sad
    That I had picked it
    For you

    © 2013 Earl Parsons

    1. WmPreston Avatar

      Wonderful poem; wonderful sentiment.

      1. Henrietta Choplin Avatar
        Henrietta Choplin

        I agree…

      2. Erin Kay Hope Avatar
        Erin Kay Hope

        I agree too!

  28. Misky Avatar

    Fine Tuning Trowels to a Vestal Sheen

    The garden shines of opaque hunger
    and the air is strangely electric. Like a virgin.
    You know the sort, they hum and vibrate

    when you stand too close. Vestal sirens.
    And everything seems to simmer cold
    right now. Ice hangs long jowls from limbs

    of white-bark birch trees, branches polished
    into dazzling bones as the wind
    races through the dead and decaying.

    It’s a warning of some sort; even stray cats
    go quiet, their ears search the air like wings.
    The garden is Ligeia’s breath — life

    is buried and waiting like small sparks
    daring themselves to jump from the fire
    and set flame to the world. So I hum the key
    of green, fine tuning trowels to a vestal sheen.

    1. WmPreston Avatar

      I think this is a splendid poem. The allusion to “tuning” the trowels to the hum of the key of green is fascinating, and, to my mind anyway, a bit funny. I loved this.

      1. Misky Avatar

        Glad you liked it, William, and yes, there should be a hint of humour in it. Dark, but humorous.

        1. Henrietta Choplin Avatar
          Henrietta Choplin

          … yes…

    2. Erin Kay Hope Avatar
      Erin Kay Hope


      1. Misky Avatar

        Thanks, Erin.

  29. ejparsons Avatar

    Mary, Mary

    Mary, Mary, quite contrary
    How does your garden grow?
    Right now it ain’t doin’ so well
    Under nearly two feet of snow

    © 2013 Earl Parsons

    I wrote this for all my Northern neighbors. Ain’t no snow down here.

    1. WmPreston Avatar

      You’re all heart. So’s the poem.

    2. Henrietta Choplin Avatar
      Henrietta Choplin

      ha, ha, ha… 😀 !!

    3. Erin Kay Hope Avatar
      Erin Kay Hope

      😀 !!

    4. elishevasmom Avatar

      He He He……….. 😀

    5. poetryshack Avatar

      This is too CUTE!

  30. Fine Tuning Trowels to a Vestal Sheen | The Chalk Hills Journal Avatar
    Fine Tuning Trowels to a Vestal Sheen | The Chalk Hills Journal

    […] P’Blooming “In The Garden” […]

  31. Silence is a Cold Garden | The Chalk Hills Journal Avatar
    Silence is a Cold Garden | The Chalk Hills Journal

    […] for: P’Blooming “In The Garden”. Photo from […]

  32. Misky Avatar

    Silence Is a Cold Garden

    Frost scrapes the air, it rakes
    through the greys in my hair.
    It tugs at thistle crowns
    that once bloomed thick milky down.
    Its silence is a cold garden asleep,
    buried in mouldy leaf, and beneath
    the cold, faint hope persuades
    spring into cinnamon strewn roses.

    But for now, I am
    that French Lieutenant’s woman,
    head bowed, hooded and caped, standing
    alone on a grey-iced stretched path.
    I can but wait for your return. I wait
    for snowdrops to bloom white
    and jasmine to scent maples slight
    with sweet syrup. I wait. As always.

    1. WmPreston Avatar


      1. Henrietta Choplin Avatar
        Henrietta Choplin

        Yes… Oh so Beautiful…

    2. Erin Kay Hope Avatar
      Erin Kay Hope

      Beautiful, wistful poem…lovely, Misky!

    3. poetryshack Avatar

      That garden will thaw out soon enough friend!

  33. Henrietta Choplin Avatar
    Henrietta Choplin

    Oh, Meg… your Beautiful poem should be engraved on the garden gate of Life… !! 🙂

    William… you make me smile… :D!!

  34. iamsantaclaus Avatar


    It’s almost here,
    that time of year where good cheer
    and fellowship bloom.
    There’s always room for one more
    and be sure you will be
    welcome to celebrate and reap
    what Christmas has sown.
    Never overblown, just shown
    to have grown in my garden here.
    It is Christmas cheer. The seeds
    are spread freely, it is really
    what every man, woman and child
    should find blossoming with very few flaws.
    It’s one of my laws! I am Santa Claus!

    1. WmPreston Avatar

      Wow, some visitors to this garden are out of this world! Thanks for this offering, Santa; it’s needed.

    2. Erin Kay Hope Avatar
      Erin Kay Hope

      Yay, he’s back! Very nicely done. 🙂

      1. elishevasmom Avatar


    3. Henrietta Choplin Avatar
      Henrietta Choplin

      So Nice to see you!!

  35. iamsantaclaus Avatar

    Yes, my absence will be clearer by week’s end!

  36. poetryshack Avatar

    Growing Graces

    Gardens spring from seeds
    Planted firm, erupted germs
    Flowering earth free

    Spelling bees buzzing
    Struggle to describe the art
    Of divine design

    Young sapling trees stand
    Meekly aligned alongside the
    Wisdom of the oaks

    Sucklings and their folk
    Estrange their necks in pursuit
    Of the bustling seed

    A thousand eyes plead
    In greed to seize a moment
    Of pulsating bliss

    Garden explosion
    Of seed strewn in subtlety
    Blooms favor in grace

    1. Henrietta Choplin Avatar
      Henrietta Choplin

      Last line… !!! 🙂 !!

    2. William Preston Avatar
      William Preston

      I found this fascinating to read, especially the use of “estrange” in the fourth stanza.

  37. Marjory MT Avatar
    Marjory MT


    The heart of spring lies lost in sleep
    nested within the garden’s deep
    awaiting the sparrow’s first note
    while blanketed by frost and snow.

    Specks of color, promises of spring.
    Primrose pining to burst with joy,
    and crocus braves the blasts of cold
    while blanketed by frost and snow.

    Buried buds on dormant trees, and
    red mid green of holly’s bold leaves,
    defy the strength of stormy winds
    while blanketed by frost and snow.

    The heart of spring lies lost in sleep
    while blanketed by frost and snow.

    1. Henrietta Choplin Avatar
      Henrietta Choplin

      Oh, Lovely, M… !!

      1. Marjory MT Avatar
        Marjory MT

        Thank You, Hen – Sorry not to comment back sooner – I just seem to be under a lot of busy stuff right now. 🙂

    2. poetryshack Avatar

      This is gorgeous Marjory. Loved the opening line, repetition. I also love the word “primrose” and the phrase “crocus braves the blasts of cold”. This poem is full of hope!

      1. William Preston Avatar
        William Preston

        Gorgeous, indeed. Thanks for posting.

        1. Marjory MT Avatar
          Marjory MT

          Thanks Bill, am trying to find more time to write, read and comment.

          1. Marjory MT Avatar
            Marjory MT

            Your writing this week – like your first one the best. 🙂 Fun

      2. Marjory MT Avatar
        Marjory MT

        I appreciate that – to me poetry should offer what is positive and offer hope. I love my primroses and crocus and love seeing them even surrounded with snow.

        1. poetryshack Avatar


  38. David Avatar

    Fruit of the Vine

    By David De Jong

    I found a garden, growing perfect rows.
    Its plants pristine with symmetrical boughs.
    Not a blemish shown, canopy to root.
    Flawless, yet none could bear, flower or fruit
    In a heap, where the sun could barely shine,
    Grew an ugly, scraggly, thorn clustered vine.
    Its bright blossoms, filled the air with perfume,
    The fruit on its vine, so sweet to consume.
    I asked the secret of the vine forlorn;
    This joy in misery, blessings of toll.
    The reply struck me and pierced my soul;
    Its tale of pain and great suffering born.
    The Master Gardener had sharpened His blade,
    Cut the vine to serve its purpose as made,
    To fashion a crown, His crown of thorns.

    1. William Preston Avatar
      William Preston

      The switch from rhyming couplets to a quatrain at the end helps make this effective, i think. Thanks for posting.

  39. Erin Kay Hope Avatar
    Erin Kay Hope


    I like to watch his face light up
    With every shoot his fingers cup,

    I like to watch the care that he
    Bestows on every flow’r and tree,

    I like to see the transformation
    In him when he nurtures for God’s creation,

    And I like that he’ll do the weeding,
    Cause I’d really rather be reading.

    © Copyright Erin Kay Hope – 2013

    My brother loves gardening, while I frankly hate it. Good thing he’s around in the summer! 😉

    1. Erin Kay Hope Avatar
      Erin Kay Hope

      There should not be a “for” in line 6.

    2. William Preston Avatar
      William Preston

      hanks for this, Erin Kay. I share your sentiments.

  40. poetryshack Avatar

    Growing Pains

    Slip me a pill
    And watch me grow,
    Fed-ex maturation
    From head to toe.

    Slip me a pill
    And watch me stow,
    Bones strapped with muscle,
    Yet teach me what you know.

    Slip me a pill
    Cause me to slow,
    A dreamy miracle growth
    From head to toe.

    For what a man sows,
    This he will also reap.

    Life spreads evenly in pace
    At a price not cheap.

    For what is sown is grown
    Taken root, born fruit.

    Kindness, meekness, love
    Thankfulness, patience, humanity
    Peacefulness, forgiveness, diligence
    Cheerfulness, happiness, purpose

    May we mind what is sown,
    That we might not weep.

    1. William Preston Avatar
      William Preston


    2. Marjory MT Avatar
      Marjory MT

      May we share fruits of that spirit.

      1. poetryshack Avatar


  41. poetryshack Avatar

    Battle of the Seasons

    Snowstorms in August,
    Stubborn December roses
    November says “times have changed”
    As old man winter’s breath imposes
    Deep disturbing wintry freezes.

    January offers condolences, wishing everyone the best, hoping for a better resolution of heart.

    But there stood
    A Rose,
    Who absolutely
    Refused to wilt.
    Showing no remorse
    Expressing no guilt.

    That stiff-necked Rose
    Her fighting spirit
    Stands yet opposed
    To the cold of February.

    But she seems to be a dream of dreams
    Or…let’s say…of pristine things.
    Or even being
    An ever-evergreen.

    The fight still Marches on…

    April, just cries and weeps, cries and weeps, cries and weeps again and yet again.

    May exudes toughness, saying “you’d better win this one, cause we ain’t bringing any flowers to your funeral”.

    Jolly jumping June bugs hope for joy,
    Cheers, still waiting for the verdict…

    July boldly declares,
    “Fight like hell, for your independence Bring the heat, and don’t let ’em see you sweat”.

    In the end that dogged Rose
    Stood unopposed singing,
    Slightly posed, for the kodaks
    Imposing her red with laughter.

    1. William Preston Avatar
      William Preston

      I absolutely love this, not the least, being from Rochester, for the use of “kodaks.” That company ain’t what it used to be, but your word recalls the days when it was. Your rose turns out to be stronger than the kodaks.

      1. poetryshack Avatar

        I still like kodaks, thx.

  42. Walt Wojtanik Avatar
    Walt Wojtanik


    Left to fend
    in bitter disbelief.
    Passing days as if they
    were parked cars, abandoned,
    alone. Desolate. Thinking it’s too late
    to feel. To deal with life without a life. Rife
    with what other lives discard and leave for refuse.
    You choose to wander, hiding in plain daylight, a bright
    light hidden, good riddance to the pittance you hold .
    But a seed is planted. Covered and watered; nurtured
    for future bloom, a room for two where once one existed
    You find yourself in a clearing, hearing words spoken
    to your broken psyche, imparted to your heart and
    you don’t mind that he finds you to be the beauty
    you hoped would blossom. Gossamer wings
    to take flight and soar to the heights once
    reserved for star-crossed souls. Holes
    once gaping are taking shape; glued
    and repaired. You have been spared,
    no longer alone and desolate. Just
    a blooming beauty in the arms
    of love’s caring gardener.
    What was once broken
    has been glued, held
    until the mends are
    seamless. No longer
    dreamless, in the
    clearing, hearing
    words of love
    grow on you.
    Not desolate
    nor alone.
    in love.

    1. William Preston Avatar
      William Preston

      For me, the expanded lines in the middle of this poem seem like the clearing, where there is room to see and thus appreciate the coming love. I think this is a splendid piece. Thanks.

    2. Marian Veverka Avatar
      Marian Veverka

      A lovely way of looking at a garden! (Nice arrangement on the page, too.)

    3. pmwanken Avatar

      Gossamer wings…beautiful.

    4. Marjory MT Avatar
      Marjory MT

      Best wishes to you, Walt.
      Santa’s doing great.

  43. Wm Preston Avatar
    Wm Preston


    When the clock begins pointing to fall
    the old gardener then must install
    some new feeders in trees
    and new seed, sure to please
    the new birds that will soon come to call.

    copyright 2013, William Preston

    1. Marjory MT Avatar
      Marjory MT

      OH, a bird man.

  44. pmwanken Avatar

    (a shadorma)

    My garden
    is limited to
    a corner
    of my desk
    where violets bloom. A bridge
    to the outside world.

    1. Marjory MT Avatar
      Marjory MT

      I have better luck outside than inside – my poor violet is struggling! 🙂

  45. Outside In | echoes from the silence Avatar
    Outside In | echoes from the silence

    […] for Poetic Bloomings #133: In The Garden.  Also shared at “100 Days of Fall/Winter […]

  46. Michelle Hed Avatar
    Michelle Hed

    The Garden Sleeps

    The soil rests, slumbering,
    snuggled beneath a blanket of snow.
    Unyielding and seemingly barren
    but the Gardner knows the truth –
    as the Gardner plans and dreams of seeds
    the garden waits…
    anticipating the coming spring
    and the loving hands
    which will wake her up.

    1. Marjory MT Avatar
      Marjory MT

      How true, the gardener waits with the garden.

  47. Andrew Kreider Avatar
    Andrew Kreider

    Allis in wonderland

    It’s happening again, the demon seed
    of what the French call “false friends”
    is sprouting its absurd fruit – and how!

    I grind towards her, whirring linguistic
    gears like my neighbor’s Allis-Chalmers D15
    at full throttle. (Yes, he was a farmer. I am not).

    She smiles, wide-eyed and trusting, like a baby deer
    straddling the dotted line, innocent of the bright
    light that will soon scythe her from solid ground.

    I’ll be out in the garden, I tell her, with a wave.
    But you hate vegetables, she replies, not unkindly.
    No, silly – playing football with the grandkids.

    You’ll ruin the tomatoes – play on the lawn!
    We look at each other. After twenty-five years,
    our holy union remains mostly uncultivated.